Aurora PUD is a large commercial/industrial/retail project that will have a negative impact on all surrounding homeowners and property. The impact will include damage to property values, heavier traffic, light/noise pollution as well as being an eyesore. We believe this real estate would be better suited for single family residential neighborhoods that compliment the existing residential properties as well as the recently developed residential.
Aurora Planned Unit Development (PUD) District Amendment
East Side of US31; South of SR38
CR White Aurora, LLC requests a change of zoning to expand and an amendment to the Aurora Planned Unit Development (PUD) District, consisting of 317 acres +/-.
| Exhibit 2: Location Map | Exhibit 3: Concept Plan | Exhibit 4: Illustrative Character Exhibits | Exhibit 5: Aurora PUD Ordinance (Ord. 16-35) | Exhibit 6: Concept Plan Comparison | Original Aurora PUD (Ord.06-55) | Neighborhood Meeting Summary
* Please make the Advisory Planning Commission and the City Council aware of your concerns about the impact of the Aurora PUD on your property values and quality of life. Contact info below.
Email APC Members:
Staff Planner for Project Kevin Todd
Email City Council Members
Chuck Lehman, President District 4
- Mobile 317-413-6890
- Email
- Mailing Address 130 Penn St
Westfield, IN 46074
Jim Ake, Vice-President At large
- Phone 317-730-4959
- Email
- Mailing Address 130 Penn St
Westfield, IN 46074
Robert L. Horkay District 5
- Phone 317-716-6773
- Email
- Mailing Address 130 Penn St
Westfield, IN 46074
Steve Hoover District 2
- Phone 317-607-4972
- Email
- Mailing Address 130 Penn St
Westfield, IN 46074
Joe Edwards District 3
Cindy L. Spoljaric At-Large
- Phone 317-695-6673
- Email
- Mailing Address 130 Penn St
Westfield, IN 46074
Mark Keen District 1