Aurora PUD developer / neighbor meeting tomorrow Nov 1st 6pm Bridgewater Club
Yard signs still available for pick up
Developer Meeting Location
Bridgewater Country Club Clubhouse (North Ballroom)
3535 E. 161st St
Carmel, IN 46033
November 1st 6pm
We need your support!
Developer Neighbor Meeting 2
Tell your neighbors! Tomorrow is the second developer hosted meeting for neighbors impacted by the Aurora PUD. We need a strong turnout to show the developer the growth of the opposition. The developer is hosting this meeting at the recommendation of the planning commission. We need everyone to show up and voice their concerns. This could be a redundant process but this meeting is even more important than the first. We have put together a document based on input from the last RGAW meeting (RGAW document link). Listed on document are concerns and demands that we intend to send to the city council, planning commission and the developer. Please read through and send me any additions or edits that you might have. Even in its rough draft form, please print out and bring to meeting tomorrow. We want to make sure everyone has information to generate questions for the developer . It is imperative that we show up tomorrow, this is the last meeting before the November 9th planning commission meeting. At November 9th meeting the Aurora PUD will be put up for recommendation or rejection to the city council. There is a high likelihood that the developer will ask for a continuation that will bump Aurora PUD vote to the next meeting. I will keep everyone posted on this. Hope to see everyone there!